A Welcoming, Loving Faith Community
We proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of joy, hope, love, and peace.

About Us
Community of Christ Sacramento is a welcoming, loving faith community that values the worth of every person as a child of God. We provide a safe space for you to explore and deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ and each other. Come discover renewed purpose for your life through compassionate, Christ-like service that ends suffering and fosters justice and peace.

Prayer Requests
Ask for Prayers or Take a Few Minutes to Pray for Others in Need.

Our Beliefs
We are a worldwide community and are committed to follow Jesus, bring forth the kingdom of God, and seek together the revealing, renewing presence of the Holy Spirit. We offer here our Basic Beliefs, not as the last word, but as an open invitation to all to embark on the adventure of discipleship. As we seek God’s continuing guidance, we encourage all people to study the scriptures and think about their experiences as they engage in the life of the church.
Explore Our Beliefs
Interested in finding out more about our beliefs? Visit https://cofchrist.org/our-beliefs/
Enduring Principles
Our Enduring Principles define the essence, heart, and soul of our faith community. They describe the personality of our church as expressed throughout the world.
God’s revelation in Jesus Christ and continuing presence through the Holy Spirit, as proclaimed by scripture, is the foundation of our faith, identity, mission, message, and beliefs. We do our best to uphold these principles (values, concepts, themes) as a faithful response to our heritage and our continuing experience with God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
Explore Our Beliefs
Our Enduring Principles are:
- Grace & Generosity
- Sacredness of Creation
- Continuing Revelation
- Worth of All Persons
- All are called
- Responsible Choices
- Pursuit of Peace (Shalom)
- Unity in Diversity
- Blessings of Community
Explore each one by visiting https://cofchrist.org/about-us/
We encounter God through the sacraments of the church, which touch lives at important times and places. Sacraments bring God’s grace, the influence of the Holy Spirit, and the example of the life of Jesus Christ together with one’s personal commitment of faith. Through the sacraments, we discover the presence of God everywhere and realize that all life is sacred.
Explore Our Sacraments
Community of Christ has eight sacraments, most of which are celebrated in worship experiences at appropriate times. These include:
- Baptism
- Confirmation
- Communion
- Ordination
- Blessing of Children
- Laying on of Hands for the Sick
- Marraige
- Evangelist Blessing
To find out more, visit https://cofchrist.org/our-beliefs/
Worth of All Persons
At Sacramento Community of Christ, we advocate for inclusion and are called to raise awareness of discriminatory and unjust practices. We acknowledge our journey to becoming a more inclusive faith community. We embrace our diversity as a worldwide family and uphold our common faith in Jesus Christ and the mission of the church.
Sacramento Community of Christ strives to be a safe, inclusive, affirming place for our LGBTQIA2S+ members, seekers, and friends. All are welcome, have worth, and are loved.
Get involved
Learn more about our denominations work to further Christ's mission of compassion, justice and peace through ministries that can change lives and communities:
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Ecumenical and Interfaith Ministries
- Environmental Justice
- Health and Wholeness
- Human Rights
- Peace and Justice